Personal Milestones

10 years, 10 Cision PR Influencer Award nominations

My 10th Cision PR Influencer Award nomination is a milestone. I celebrate a decade of rewarding and challenging PR work on two continents.

PR influencer of the year — Jerry Silfwer

Doctor Spin (Jerry Silfwer) is awarded Cision's 2016 PR Influencer of the Year Award — CPRIA.

My first TEDx talk: “A Recipe for PR Success”

Public relations on TEDx: Why brands should target a stupid majority to attract the active support of a smart minority.

Welcome to your world, Jack Silfwer

Yesterday, on the 19th September of 2014, our baby was born. Welcome to the world, Jack Silfwer.

Spin Factory — my new freelance business

From April of 2013, I will be entering a new professional role. My agency will go under the name Spin Factory.

From the archive

The Pirate Party — An epilogue

I've been supporting leading officials in the Pirate Party of Sweden with actionable PR advice to help coordinate their campaigns. Now, It's time to log off.

Wohoo! Lisah Silfwer and I are now married!

Yesterday, on December 13th of 2010, I got married to Lisah Silfwer (Pettersson). We exchanged our vowes on a beach on the island Antigua, West Indies.

The world’s first crowdsourced racing team for electric bikes

The team is a Swedish crowdsourcing racing team effort with the funding from over 100 team members in support racing omission-free electric motorcycles.